Bodies Of Work are a new London four-piece who play big pop songs with a twisted nerve. A forum of mangled synths and pulsating rhythms play in and around distinctive and narrative vocals.They have just recently completed the recording of their first full length album. It was recorded in Copenhagen and mixed in London.
Ive been following them for around 4 or so years now, pretty much hitting every single gig. After meeting the band we all struck up a deep an lasting friendship based on respect and creativity (and some good old fashion debauchery)...I think the highlight for me was when Bodies of Work headlined this festival in Tenerife, they had just flown in from a gig in Berlin and i decided to meet them at the airport in, little known to me was the fact that Tenerife had two Airports they landed North I landed South...so with a little shrug I boarded the bus an took the 4hr ride listening to a mix of Arcade Fires album "Funeral" and Broken Social scene another amazing Canadian band..
A little smile on my face shades and sun what could go wrong....?!?.
What followed over the next 3 days can only be described as a straight up exert from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas "oh the horror oh the humanity"...They lived up to every inch of the rock start methos. Trashed hotel rooms, Broken glass everywhere, 48 hrs with no sleep, body weights of alcohol, free 5* buffets ( we''ll get onto that in a minute ) and me busting onto the stage at the end of the gig to something like 3000 screaming fans and ending the last song by screaming " Thank you, you Cunts" something i'm sure we can all agree is something not to be proud of or is it hmmmm...to be honest it all went down hill from there.
All I remember was waking up at 7am vomiting into a bin while trying to escape from the 5* hotel after staying there without paying for 3 days (plus the fucking gourmet buffet) mid escape I realise my flight isn't till the next day and the band we're flying off to another destination and audience (god only knows how they did it) we waved our fond goodbyes and they jetted off into the sunset whereas i ended up having to stay in the very room where most of the horror had been committed.
The day past with me in mortal fear for my life as i had about 40 odd euros on me and the hotel bill now that they realised i had been staying there was nearly 800 odd euros (that includes the mini bar....three days of mini bar). Strange that it was also the day that Korea tested their nukes. To top it off i'd recently landed a main part in a stage show at the Bristol Old Vic theatre (which in the industry is an honour) all I could think was, i'm not going to make it back.
7am the next morning I was bright and alert I slid down to the front desk to get my passport intent on slipping the noose that was definitely tightening, they left it on the side as I pretended to rummage for my money, to my absolute joy a large group of Italian tourists turned up diverted the receptionists attention. Leaping on the opportunity I took the passport got in the lift went into the garden climbed the fence and hitch hiked to the town centre. The bus trip down south was filled with dread, fear and terror. The sunglasses were no longer to filter the sun but to filter my level of guilt to any official I might bump into. Bob Dylan was blasting in my head phones and i had resigned myself to prison...in Tenerife. Now to dispel any sunny island image you may have this fucking rock was volcanic, it was almost the post card picture for retirement homes for those just waiting to die, it is a horrible place that natural disaster may have to consume and i'm also thinking they didn't take kindly to the darker skinned variety, I mean this island is right off the coast of Africa and there wasn't one black or mixed race person...probably because they'd all be incarcerated.
I arrived at the airport and made my way straight to the toilet and sat in the cubicle for, and i'm not lying or exaggerating for 5 hrs ( i was at the reception at 7am the flight was at 5pm )..I approached the check in desk resigned that the hotel had called the airport with my passport details and the police would swoop down at any given point, she had a maniacal grin that woman behind the desk and every fibre of my fear riddled soul screamed to just admit my guilt and shackle my self to the next passing chain gang...
"Passport and baggage Sir"
"Have a good flight Sir"
Now i've never felt such confusion and pure unadulterated joy, i'd done it i'd escaped from Tenerife. Infact I actually kissed the floor when i arrived in England, an i'm thinking i'm not really that welcome in Tenerife again....fuck it....Bothered.
Seriously to anyone reading this check this band out, they rock so much and believe me as awesome as their music is when played on c.d nothing can compare to the energy,truth and brilliance of them live. There sound is fantastically original with serious through lines of Bowie and classic synth driven pop. There sound live is heart warming and the harmonies presented by Liz and Martin can at times be nothing short then breathtaking.
Martins stage presence is a force to be reckoned with his lyrics and energy are infectious leaving most the audience screaming back at him. (Coup De Grace actually cried the first time she saw them). His voice is so versatile, soft yet commanding and definitely controlled leaving the bum notes for the Brandon Flowers of this world (Fuck Brandon Flowers)..
Liz and her keyboards always provide an interesting edgy through line of sound, creating soundscapes with her assortment of effects, and a voice so clear and controlled it cuts through the heaviest accompaniment.
Chris's drumming is surgically precise and his beat patterns relentlessly diverse ensuring you keep your feet moving.
The whole sound is so smoothly held together with Andies driving bass rifts, he's an amazing guy so still yet you constantly are drawn to him, its almost like hes planning some grand attack. One look at the band when they first walk on and you know your in for a treat..
Upcoming Shows | ( view all ) |
| Barden’s Boudoir | London | ||
| The Borderline | London | ||
| 93 Feet East | London | ||
| The Wilmington Arms | London |